Common ways of ferro silicon

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Ferro silicon, because silicon and oxygen are easy to combine into carbon dioxide, as an iron alloy composed of iron and silicon, ferro silicon is often used as a deoxidizer in steelmaking, there are many practical uses.

 First of all, as we all may know, adding a certain amount of silicon in steel can significantly improve the strength, hardness and elasticity of steel, improve the permeability of steel and reduce the hysteresis loss of transformer steel.

       High silicon ferro silicon or silicon alloys are commonly used as reducing agents in the ferro alloy industry to produce low carbon ferro alloys. Ferro silicon added to cast iron can be used as the inoculant of nodular cast iron, and can prevent the formation of carbide, promote graphite precipitation and spheroidization, improve the performance of cast iron.

 In addition, ferro silicon powder can be used as a suspension phase in the beneficiation industry, and can also be used as a coating for the electrode in the electrode manufacturing industry; High silicon ferro silicon in the electrical industry can be used to prepare semiconductor pure silicon, in the chemical industry can be used to manufacture silicone.

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